Sunday, April 30, 2017

Neotropical Migrants in the Dry Tortugas, April 25, 2017

If you have seen my recent Facebook post, this will be very similar, but this post is primarily for discussion at our first OLLI Birding class, May 3 at Prime Hook NWR.

Neotropical migrants are birds that migrate from the new world tropics to more northern areas of the new world, like the U.S. and Canada. Migration is hazardous, so why do they do it? Breeding success combined with over winter survival is the most probable reason. We can explore that in more detail Wednesday. But for now, a few pics from Fort Jefferson on Garden Key in the Dry Tortugas. (Click on images for a larger version).

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Dry Tortugas

First my good news. I recovered from pneumonia in time to take the last 10 days of our trip to Key West and the Dry Tortugas. Below is one of my best bird pics taken with an underwater camera. These Brown Noddy's were 3 ft over my head while I was snorkeling.

Looking forward to our first class May 3 at Prime Hook. For our class time we will focus on the challenges of bird migration, and why they do it anyway.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

No Birding Class today

You should have gotten an email from Renee, but in case you did not here it is again.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Osher Spring Birding in the Field and Classroom

All classes will begin at 8 am and end by 11 am. The meeting locations are shown below. We are trying to arrange for a suitable meeting room at the locations, but in some instances we may have the classroom session outdoors, and on some days we may not have a classroom session. Be sure to check Bill’s blog for any last minute instructions or change in plans. He will update it by 6 am on the day of a class.

April 12 – Cape Henlopen Nature Center (park tag req’d)

April 19 and 26 – NO CLASS

May 3 – Prime Hook NWR Headquarters

May 10 – Cape Henlopen Nature Center (park tag req’d)

May 17 – Gordon’s Pond Parking Lot (park tag req’d)

May 24 – Prime Hook NWR Headquarters. From there we will carpool to the DuPont Nature Center at Mispillion . If you wish to join the group at Mispillion, please make prior arrangements with Sally.

Be sure to bring binoculars, a hat and rain repellent jacket. Water, a snack, insect repellent and long pants are all recommended.

If you are unable to attend a class, please contact Sally or Bill so we can contact someone on the Wait List.