Monday, June 3, 2013

5/29/13 Mispillion FT, and 2013 Spring Check List

Spawning Horseshoe Crabs, Red Knot, Dunlin and Semipalmated Sandpipers 
Bill Fintel Photo, click on photo to enlarge

Well it took some perseverance, but in the end, I believe everyone had good looks at Red Knots through one of the spotting scopes. Most of the time they were distant on the other side of the Mispillion River in front of the DuPont Nature Center, but periodically some did rest on an exposed bar about 1/2 way across the river, and thus twice as close. My estimate was that we could see at least 100 Red Knots from the deck of the nature center.

Other good birds we observed well were Clapper Rails, Seaside Sparrows, and Black Skimmers. My species count for the day was 47. A non-avian highlight was a female Diamond-backed Terrapin digging a hole to lay her eggs in the sand parking lot at Yerkes Road. In our presence, she seemed to think twice about the advisability of doing that at this location, and moved on. We all agreed, that was probably a good move.

My cumulative list for our eight birding classes this spring was a very respectable 135 species. You can find our class check list on Google Docs, as a pdf, or as an Excel file.

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