Monday, April 7, 2014

Hummingbirds and Spring 2014 OLLI Birding Class

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are arriving in Sussex County, DE, so it is definitely time to put up your hummingbird feeders.

Sally and I are just back from Peru where we marveled over 30+ species of hummingbirds in the Andean cloud forests. Most remarkable of these was the Marvelous Spatuletail (below). Note the extremely long outer tail feathers which terminate as 2 spatula shaped feathers.

We are very much looking forward to this spring's class, which begins 8 am, April 22, at the Cape Henlopen Nature Center. Remember to check this blog site for last minute updates, especially if the weather looks questionable. For your convenience, the full schedule is posted below.


OLLI Spring 2014 Birding Schedule

We will spend as much time as possible birding in the field. On any day when the weather does not permit a field trip, the class will be cancelled. For the latest information on class status see Bill’s blog at . This will be updated by 6 am on any field trip day with questionable weather. Also more detailed directions will be added as needed.

All classes are on Tuesday, EXCEPT for April 28. Classes will begin at 8:00 am at the meeting locations noted below. Be sure to bring binoculars. Also check the weather forecast and dress appropriately with a rain resistant windbreaker and footwear suitable for walking about one mile. Insect repellent, sunscreen, water and a snack are recommended. Classes will end by 11 am at the meeting location.

Apr 22 (Tue) - Cape Henlopen State Park Nature Center  (sticker required). Northbound raptor migration will be underway, some sea ducks should still be present along with Northern Gannets, and we will of course search for two resident specialties, the Piping Plover and Brown-headed Nuthatch.

Apr 28 (Mon) - Prime Hook NWR Headquarters. We will bird all types of habitats, such as woodlands, fields, marshes, impoundments and bay beaches. Some of our target birds will be early shorebirds, and early woodland migrants like Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and Ovenbird.

May 6 (Tue)– Milford Neck Wildlife Management Area. Meet at Prime Hook Headquarters for carpooling to Milford Neck. We will search the woodlands for species like Scarlet Tanager, Acadian Flycatcher, Yellow-throated Warbler, and several species of thrushes, all of which should be in full song. We may also try for the elusive Virginia Rail and Marsh Wren where the road crosses some extensive marshland.

May 13 (Tue)- Gordon’s Pond (access from Rehoboth Beach going north up coast, sticker required) - This area hosts a small but productive maritime forest, and excellent mud flats for shorebirds and terns. We will take an easy walk to an elevated overlook of the pond, and if the trail extension is open, we will explore further.

May 20 (Tue)  – Prime Hook State Wildlife Management Area. Meet at Prime Hook Headquarters for carpooling to the State Area. Walking is easy and tick-free along a gravel road through some very old forest. This is an excellent woods for resident and migrant warblers, plus Yellow-throated Vireo, Scarlet Tanager, Pileated Woodpecker and Barred Owl.

May 27 (Tue)- Prime Hook to Mispillion Nature Center. Meet at Prime Hook at 8:00 am for carpooling. High tide is 8:47 am at Mispillion, and best birding is 1 ½ to 2 hrs after high tide, so we will bird our way to Mispillion, arriving about 10 am. This is our annual spring pilgrimage to witness Horseshoe Crabs spawning and the thousands of shorebirds that feed on their eggs. It is also the best time and place to see the endangered Red Knot.

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